Sustainablity in America today is an important part of our future.  This starts with us.  I am always looking for new and instresting way to cut down on food waste. So i ask you all " Does Food Waste Really Matter? "
Bill McHale
7/24/2018 07:18:07 am

Who is serious about shutting down landfills totally PERIOD!
Its time for a total recycle excuses!

Bill McHale
7/24/2018 07:20:39 am

We need to stop talking about shutting down landfills. We need to start shutting down landfills TODAY! It can be done....


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    Claude Collopy-Lee

    I am concerned about our environment and I am always looking for  new and interesting ways to sustain and conserver our natural resources.

    I enjoy have open conversation about regarding waste and preventions.   

    I believe that with an open mind anything can can.




    November 2012